In 2000 Christianity Today surveyed their editors and contributors about the 100 books published in the 20th Century that were of greatest significance to Christians. The list is worth looking over and considering what you should read next.
The aim of this personal blog is to illustrate the intellectual engagement of Christian theology with science and with culture. The name Soli Deo Gloria is inspired by J.S. Bach's writing SDG on all his compositions. Handel also did this on some compositions (see above).
I have fun at work trying to use quantum many-body theory to understand electronic properties of complex materials.
I am married to the lovely Robin and have two adult children and a dog, Priya (in the photo). I also write an even more personal blog Soli Deo Gloria [thoughts on theology, science, and culture]
It would be nice if The Christian Century made up a list and the 2 could be compared!